• Inspired by episodes:

Battle of Wolf 359

Play your part in the biggest battle in Star Trek history as you race to save crucial Starfleet assets the Borgs are trying to destroy.
  • Inspired by episodes:


Work as a Patrol to collect virtual information across a real-world environment in this epic game of capture the flag using GPS trackers, radios, and a few unexpected twists.


Battle of Wolf 359 is set to be one of the largest, most significant and highly memorable battles in Starfleet history. The Borg are attacking the whole fleet and ships are suffering immense, irreparable damage. Your away team will need to keep in close contact with your team leaders stationed in the command post as you navigate the battlefield and retrieve essential assets from the destroyed ships.

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Mission Outcomes

By completing this activity, you can show your Unit Council that you can:

Patrol System:

  • communicate effectively between team members in the field and those in command
  • make fast-paced tactical decisions in an operational environment based on changing information
  • navigate unfamiliar terrain in the dark

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Completing Projects using Missions

Using the Scout Method of Plan, Do, Review, you can demonstrate your capabilities to your Unit Council once you have completed this Mission.

Use Terrain to record your goals based on the missions you intend to complete during Star Trek: Survival for presentation to and approval by your Unit Council.

Complete any pre-work that might help you to complete the Mission, such as practicing using maps and radios, or doing research into particular concepts that missions mention that you may not be familiar with, or any other technologies or concepts you are curious about that might help you find success.

Complete the mission at Star Trek: Survival 2024.

Get your Starfleet Report Card from this website at the conclusion of the event to summarise your achievements. These accomplishments can be presented to your Unit Council for Project approval and recorded in Terrain to keep track of your progress.