Learn new art techniques to create your own portrait of the Universe.
Stellar Cartography is a vital section of any ship, with a team of Scientists dedicated to charting the frontiers of Space, recording the discoveries of each Starfleet mission and providing astronavigation support to the bridge. It is the responsibility of every mission to ensure they record and map the sectors of the galaxy as they explore it so that future missions may benefit from their work.
The Arts | Painting and Drawing:
Use Terrain to record your goals based on the missions you intend to complete during Star Trek: Survival for presentation to and approval by your Unit Council.
Complete any pre-work that might help you to complete the Mission, such as practicing using maps and radios, or doing research into particular concepts that missions mention that you may not be familiar with, or any other technologies or concepts you are curious about that might help you find success.
Complete the mission at Star Trek: Survival 2024.
Get your Starfleet Report Card from this website at the conclusion of the event to summarise your achievements. These accomplishments can be presented to your Unit Council for Project approval and recorded in Terrain to keep track of your progress.